FUJIFILM 200 Color Negative 35mm 36EXP - Single Roll (Boxed)

Sale price$8.99


Capture your memories with the FUJIFILM 200 Color Negative Film 35mm 36EXP Single Roll. This high-quality film is designed to deliver stunning, true-to-life colors with exceptional detail and clarity. With a sensitivity of ISO 200, this film is perfect for capturing everyday moments with ease, whether you're shooting indoors or outdoors.

The FUJIFILM 200 Color Negative Film 35mm 36EXP Single Roll is a single roll of film that is easy to load into your camera and compatible with most 35mm cameras. The film is pre-loaded into a durable, light-tight canister that protects it from light and humidity, ensuring your photos turn out sharp and vibrant.

Whether you're a professional photographer or a hobbyist, this film is a great choice for capturing everyday moments and creating lasting memories. The film has a wide exposure latitude, which means it's forgiving of exposure mistakes, making it a great option for beginners and experienced photographers alike.

With 36 exposures per roll, you'll have plenty of opportunities to capture the perfect shot. Once you've finished shooting, simply take your roll of film to your local photo lab for processing and printing, or develop it at home with a compatible developing kit.

Overall, the FUJIFILM 200 Color Negative Film 35mm 36EXP Single Roll is a reliable and versatile choice for capturing beautiful, high-quality photos that will last a lifetime.

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